Increase Your Sales

we make you more money

Peep Digital Marketing’s menu platform is proven to increase your restaurant’s sales in comparison to using a traditional print menu. A picture is worth a thousand words – and stunning food photography can make guests try new things they wouldn’t typically order. For example, the average couple dining in may order two entrees using a paper menu. With Peep’s digital menu, eye-catching photos will encourage the same couple to add an appetizer and dessert to their order, thus increasing your restaurant’s sales.

Increase Your Sales

we make you more money

Peep Digital Marketing’s menu platform is proven to increase your restaurant’s sales in comparison to using a traditional print menu. A picture is worth a thousand words – and stunning food photography can make guests try new things they wouldn’t typically order. For example, the average couple dining in may order two entrees using a paper menu. With Peep’s digital menu, eye-catching photos will encourage the same couple to add an appetizer and dessert to their order, thus increasing your restaurant’s sales.

Improve Your Sanitation

we make you cleaner

The pandemic has taught us we need to prioritize our guests’ health and safety. Peep does just that with our contactless digital menu that prevents the spread of germs. We give you peace of mind by eliminating the need to constantly sanitize your menus after each use. We give each customer a personal menu in their pocket.

Improve Your Sanitation

we make you cleaner

The pandemic has taught us we need to prioritize our guests’ health and safety. Peep does just that with our contactless digital menu that prevents the spread of germs. We give you peace of mind by eliminating the need to constantly sanitize your menus after each use. We give each customer a personal menu in their pocket.

Collect Data Analytics

we make you smarter

The numbers don’t lie! Peep Digital Marketing provides advanced data analytics to track each interaction on your menu. After collecting data, you will have a deeper understanding of your customers’ demographics and ordering preferences. See what your guests are searching for, how long they are looking at your menu, what items are a hit, and what items may need a revisit among many other data points and metrics. We provide our customers with an easy-to-read analytics report that breaks down restaurant performance in realtime to track success and point out trends in your data.

Collect Data Analytics

we make you smarter

The numbers don’t lie! Peep Digital Marketing provides advanced data analytics to track each interaction on your menu. After collecting data, you will have a deeper understanding of your customers’ demographics and ordering preferences. See what your guests are searching for, how long they are looking at your menu, what items are a hit, and what items may need a revisit among many other data points and metrics. We provide our customers with an easy-to-read analytics report that breaks down restaurant performance in realtime to track success and point out trends in your data.

Improve Your Customer Service

we make your guests happier

We add an interactive element to your restaurant that improves customer experience. Put your best foot forward with high-quality photos and detailed descriptions of your menu. Our search bar lets customers easily find what they are looking for. The house favorites section quickly points guests to the most popular dishes on your menu. The item feature icons, such as spicy, healthy, and nut free, help your guests find the right meal for them. We make it simple for all guests meet their dietary needs by providing specific menu sections for certain dietary restrictions, including vegetarian, vegan, gluten free, or dairy free.

Improve Your Customer Service

we make your guests happier

We add an interactive element to your restaurant that improves customer experience. Put your best foot forward with high-quality photos and detailed descriptions of your menu. Our search bar lets customers easily find what they are looking for. The house favorites section quickly points guests to the most popular dishes on your menu. The item feature icons, such as spicy, healthy, and nut free, help your guests find the right meal for them. We make it simple for all guests meet their dietary needs by providing specific menu sections for certain dietary restrictions, including vegetarian, vegan, gluten free, or dairy free.

Decrease Your Operating Costs

we save you money

How much money do you spend annually printing new menus? How many dishes get sent back to the kitchen because your guest misunderstands the written description? Peep’s digital menu is flexible and can be updated in seconds without a trip to the printer. Instantly update your menu with new dishes, remove dishes, or change the order in which the menu items are presented to optimize your menu. Show your customers the dish before they order it to ensure they enjoy their selection. We cut down printing costs and decrease comped items dramatically.

Decrease Your Operating Costs

we save you money

How much money do you spend annually printing new menus? How many dishes get sent back to the kitchen because your guest misunderstands the written description? Peep’s digital menu is flexible and can be updated in seconds without a trip to the printer. Instantly update your menu with new dishes, remove dishes, or change the order in which the menu items are presented to optimize your menu. Show your customers the dish before they order it to ensure they enjoy their selection. We cut down printing costs and decrease comped items dramatically.

Grow Your Business

we help you advertise online

Peep helps bring guests back into your restaurant and get new ones in the door. By using social media retargeting ads, we can market to past customers on Facebook and Instagram for days, weeks, or even months after their last visit. Furthermore, we provide your business with lead generation forms on your menu. Start collecting contacts for a marketing list, easily invite guests to book private events, and communicate with your customers however you see fit. We live in a digital world. Take advantage of all digital marketing has to offer and help your restaurant stay one step ahead.

Grow Your Business

we help you advertise

Peep helps bring guests back into your restaurant and get new ones in the door. By using social media retargeting ads, we can market to past customers on Facebook and Instagram for days, weeks, or even months after their last visit. Furthermore, we provide your business with lead generation forms on your menu. Start collecting contacts for a marketing list, easily invite guests to book private events, and communicate with your customers however you see fit. We live in a digital world. Take advantage of all digital marketing has to offer and help your restaurant stay one step ahead.

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